5 Signs You May Want to Consider Brain Surgery for Your Epilepsy

Posted on: 12 September 2017


If you have epilepsy, you may eventually want to consider brain surgery. This isn't the right option for everyone, but it works in a number of cases. Here are some signs that you may want to consult with a neurologist about surgery:

1. You've Exhausted All Other Treatment Options

Epilepsy can be a scary disease, and unfortunately, it's sometimes resistant to medications or other treatments. If you have tried everything with no results, it may be time to consider more drastic measures such as surgery. Some people suffer for years without a change in their situation, and if you're in that situation, surgery may be just what you need.

2. You Want Stunning Results for Your Child

However, you don't necessarily need to suffer for years in order for surgery to make sense. In fact, many children have gotten brain surgery for their epilepsy. According to one study, two-thirds of children with epilepsy had their seizures completely go away or be reduced by more than 90 percent after a surgery. Those are stunning results.

3. Your Epilepsy Is Caused by a Tumor

In most cases, epilepsy is a genetic issue, but in some cases, it's caused by an issue with your brain. In particular, if you have a tumor pressing on part of your brain, that may lead to seizures and epilepsy. In this case, you almost certainly want to talk with a neurologist.

With cancerous tumors, the doctor almost always tries to remove them. As a result, this tip applies to benign tumors where removal is optional.  

4. Your Doctor Knows Which Part of Your Brain Is Causing the Tumors

For surgery to be an option, the neurologist needs to know where the seizures are originating. This is often referred to as the seizure focus. If your doctor doesn't know where the issue is coming from, he or she can't operate.

5. The Problematic Area Doesn't Do Anything Important

Of course, even if your doctor knows where the seizures are originating, it's also important to ensure that losing that area won't affect your life in negative ways. The brain is extremely important. If the seizure focus area overlaps with a part that controls language, moving your body, or interpreting visual or auditory data, you may want to keep that intact.

Ultimately, you need to consult with a neurologist to see if surgery is right for your situation. To get help, contact a specialist today.